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When God feels distant
Today we’ll build on the conversation about fear of the future, and talk about what to do if it feels like the Lord isn’t near… or there at all. We’ll look at Luke 12 and Romans 8 to glean wisdom on increasing our...
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Eliminate distraction once and for all
I have learned so much about hospitality from my family from India, and today we follow the journey of Martha uncovering similar truths. As Martha repositions her heart, we see that she receives a divine revelation of...
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Even I still can't believe this happened...
Today I share an awesome prayer testimony (well, 2 of them :-) and we unpack the story of the persistent neighbor in Luke 11. Here we see the power of persistence, but more importantly, we see how good our Father in...
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If you only do one thing this year
If you make just one change this year, what would have the greatest impact on your emotional health, spiritual growth, and physical well being? Today I propose that it’s finding a couple of good friends to study the...
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Does this happen to you on vacation?
Jesus said “I have come that you may have life, and life to the full” (John 10:10). But what does that look like in our lives? Is it like a really good vacation? Is it even possible in this broken and hurting world?...
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Why you might feel hidden right now...
Today I share the story of how I ended up as the key note speaker at a Women’s conference in Maryland last weekend, and the Lord’s encouragement through Elijah and Elisha to stay in our place as we trust the Lord to...
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2 Things I Do Every Day
I've learned that if it's important to you, it has to be programmed into your day. These are two important habits that I have programmed into tasks that always happen, every single day: loading the dishwasher and...
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Finding Contentment Under Our Stuff
Today we’ll discover that the secret to contentment lies underneath all of our stuff! There’s scientific reasons why our stuff causes stress and biblical reasons to choose simplicity too. Grab a trash bag and donation...
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5 Ways To Reach Millennials (That We All Can Do!)
Today we'll discuss 5 practical ways to reach the next generation with the message of Christ. It may not be as intimidating as you think! We got this! The Lord is on the move and there's so many reasons to be hopeful...
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Too Tired To Care
In our first episode of the "Follow Me" Podcast with Diana Kokku, we'll dive into 1 Corinthians and Paul's encouragement to the Church and what it means for us today. Many of us are simply too tired to care, so we'll...
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